Animals: Characteristics and Classification

Animal Definition In scientific terms, an Animal is defined as a multicellular organism that is usually mobile and derives energy solely from the consumption of other organisms. An animal is any member of the kingdom Animalia aside from humans. In science, Humans are seen as higher animals and go by a scientific …

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What is exocytosis in a cell? examples, process, and function

Endocytosis and exocytosis are examples of bulk transport mechanisms used to move materials into or out of the cell. The exocytosis process function in transporting molecules and substances that are too large to directly pass through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. The cell membranes of organisms are semi-permeable and thus …

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Unicellular vs multicellular differences and similarities

Organisms exist on earth as either unicellular or multicellular organisms. The difference between unicellular vs multicellular organisms is based on the number of cells and how they carry out their cellular activities. Technically, unicellular and multicellular organisms are the two kinds of organisms found on earth. Unicellular organisms are usually prokaryotes, which …

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Multicellular organisms examples and characteristics

Organisms exist on earth as either unicellular or multicellular organisms. Unicellular and multicellular organisms’ examples and characteristics vary based on their structure and how they carry out their cellular activities. In multicellular organisms, life begins as a single cell until mitosis occurs, causing growth and development. According to evolution, the development of …

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Gram positive vs gram negative bacteria differences in microbiology

Gram positive and gram negative bacteria fall under the study of microbiology. The difference between gram positive vs gram negative bacteria is based on their staining color during the gram stain test. Using the gram staining technique, bacteria have been differentiated into gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The ability to differentiate bacterial cells …

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Batesian mimicry examples and definition

Organisms exhibit a behavioral adaptation known as Batesian mimicry in order to survive and escape predation. Many examples of Batesian mimicry can be seen in animals and plants around us. In nature, mimicry is a behavioral adaptation whereby organisms evolve to resemble another organism or object. This adaptation is done in order …

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